Andrew Dunbabin - Treasurer

About Andrew

Andrew was the past Director of, and is current Consultant to accounting and consulting firm ProAdvice Pty Ltd. He attended Friends Quaker School in Hobart, followed by a Diploma in Farm Management at Glenormiston Agricultural College, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce from Deakin University. Andrew completed post-graduate studies as a Chartered Accountant in 1985 and advanced to a Fellow of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in 1996.

Andrew has worked as an accountant in public practice since 1979 in Geelong, Burnie and in the UK, always specialising in the affairs of farmers, after growing up on the family property at Dunalley in Tasmania. Andrew's interests include Rogaining and bush walking, kayaking, reading (mainly history), collecting Royal Doulton china, and operates a small farm at Marion Bay with his partner Ann.